Wednesday, 2 November 2011

A moment of Madness


  1. This is my favourite Madness song ever.
    Are you a fan?
    When I was oung I was a huge Madness fan, I still am.
    They inspired me to join and subsequently form bands...ska bands.
    In the 80's, while in my first ska band, Madness toured and I met them.
    There's lots more to the ska story for me, but for now let's just say "they" are right, you shouldn't meet your heroes.
    My bands:

    Nice to meet you at the bread making too :-)

  2. Hi David,

    Hey thanks for the links to your bands. It looks like you had a great time with your bands and there are some truly 'interesting' and hilarious pictures there. I love Madness and Our House is my favourite song of theirs. It seemed apt at the time I posted the clip both in terms of the imminent house purchase and well as the play on words suggests the surreal nature of uprooting your life can feel like a moment of Madness.

    I've not been a big follower of Ska music as such but there are certainly bands that fall into the genre of Ska that I have really enjoyed. Reel Big Fish, Mighty, Mighty Boss Tones etc. My daughter is a big Ska fan and has played Ska music in some of her bands though currently she has an 80s cover band.
    Its a long way from her training at the Conservatorium. Her partner is in a well known Death Metal Band and currently on tour overseas so extremes of music are pretty common at our place.

    Now, I'm curious about your meeting with Madness and it seems like there is a fascinating story to be told there some time.

    Likewise, great to meet you at the class and I had hoped to see you both again at the dog walk tomorrow but we are so overwhelmed with tasks to do before we both go back to work on Monday we think we will have to make our first one in May.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Regards, Kathy
